The Story of Why I Had to Buy Side Steps for My Truck
I recently managed to save up enough money to buy a Mitsubishi truck, which was one of my life-long dreams as a tradesman. However, since we don’t have another vehicle at the moment, my wife uses the truck occasionally to run errands and pick up and drop off the kids to school every once in a while. A couple of weeks ago, she came back home complaining that she had a really hard time getting in and out of the truck, and that one of my kids almost tripped and fell while doing so.
Apparently, large trucks are problematic for shorter people. That being said, I decided I need to find a solution and hit up the internet to see what could be done. It didn’t take much searching to come across Mitsubishi side steps. I came across quite a few models, all which were different in one aspect or another, and deciding which one was best was tougher than I thought.
Every time I do shopping, I try to do as much homework as I can to ensure I get the best deal possible. So I sat down and looked at what side steps, also known as running boards are, what they do and how they benefit the vehicle besides obviously serving as a step. Anyway, I came across Mitsubishi side steps made of diamond-plate steel, plastic, fiberglass and rubber.
All types have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. For example, plastic side steps usually feature a built-in gripping surface which improves their traction, which in turn makes them less slippery. However, plastic isn’t as durable as fibreglass and diamond-plate steel, which was a deal-breaker for me personally.
I handle a variety of tools on daily basis, and most of them go in and out of my truck. Moreover, I sometimes have to drive through rough terrain and in less-than-optimal driving conditions, so protection is a big factor. Side steps can protect your side doors’ paint job from debris and dirt that goes under your wheels, which is an added benefit.
If you aren’t sold on side bars, you can go for nerf bars, which are quite similar, except they’re pipe-like and located on the vehicle’s sides. They have small footpads for traction, similar to how some trucks have truck steps that are much shorter and are made purely for practical purposes.
That being said, whether you need them for protection, functionality or simply aesthetic appeal, side steps can be a great investment. The reason being is that they’re relatively inexpensive, extremely functional, and very reliable. You can choose between a couple of different styles and materials, which means you won’t be left with a shortage of options when buying.