Give Your Home’s Exterior an Uplift with These Curb Appeal Boosters

Your home is important to you. You take pride in how it looks and enjoy snapping photos of your living room and posting them on social media. But even if your interior looks straight out of a magazine, it doesn’t mean you’re done with decorating. There’s also the exterior to take care of.

The exterior is essentially the face of your home. It’s the first thing guests notice and it’s the main thing by which neighbours judge you. This is particularly true in suburbia where property value is frequently determined by how well it fits in with the community. But even if you don’t care about neighbours’ and guests’ impressions, should you ever decide to sell, the exterior of your home will be what potential buyers notice.

If you ask me, one of the best decisions you can make is to enhance the exterior of your property. And doing so might not even require you to make significant investments. If it already looks decent enough, yet somewhat bland, the following curb appeal boosters can instantly give it a makeover.

Get a Gorgeous Mailbox

The letterbox is an exterior element that always occupies a prominent front location in order to be seen and conveniently accessible by mailmen. Because of its central spot, it’s essential that your letterbox is attractive and blends in with the general design of your façade. If your mailbox is old and damaged, it’s time to get a beautiful new replacement.

Fortunately, there are countless mailbox designs to pick from, ranging from elegant stainless steel to rich wooden letterboxes, making it simple for everyone to locate the final component to complete their outside design. But while shopping for a letterbox, you should consider more than just aesthetics. You must also take durability into account.

The letterbox is an exterior element that always occupies a prominent front location in order to be seen and conveniently accessible by mailmen. Because of its central spot, it's essential that your letterbox is attractive and blends in with the general design of your façade. If your mailbox is old and damaged, it's time to get a beautiful new replacement.

Finding a strong, weather-resistant letterbox is essential because it will be constantly exposed to the harsh Australian elements. This is especially important if you’re located in a coastal area.

It goes without saying that stainless steel letterboxes can withstand any weather condition, but what about wooden letterboxes? A timber mailbox may add cosiness and classic beauty to many homes, but is this a wise choice? Well, the quality of the material used to make the mailbox determines whether it can endure the elements. In light of this, you should choose a model built of high-quality wood.

Accoya is a type of modified timber that outperforms the best hardwoods and treated woods in terms of aesthetics and durability. It can withstand anything, including rain, snow, humidity, salty ocean air, ultraviolet rays, and insects. This makes it the ideal choice for coastal homes and places where the humidity is excessive. Additionally, there are many modern mailbox designs available in modern forms that can be used in settings that are more up-to-date.

Add an Accent Trim

Have you ever gone to Malta on vacation? Perhaps you visited the capital of Valletta or made a trip to enjoy some traditional Maltese cuisine.

While you were there, though, another thing also attracted your attention. You still remember the houses even though you travelled there a long time ago. Why?

The accent trim is everything.

Maltese architecture is immediately recognisable; White sandstone houses with colourful balconies and doors enhance contrast. So simple, yet so impactful. And your house doesn’t need to be white to get the effect. Imagine your blue siding and dazzling white trim. Or do you have a deep maroon exterior that just begs for accents in black or chocolate brown?

By adding a striking trim to your property, you can add some colourful charm. Here are some suggestions for exterior house accents:

  • entrance door
  • windows
  • balcony
  • architectural elements on the facade

The accent colours should complement the rest of your house, but still, catch people’s eyes as they pass by. So keep in mind: it ought to pop. Thus, avoid using a garish colour on a large scale.

Pay Attention to the Lighting

The lighting is what will have the biggest impact on your home’s curb appeal at night. Even though lighting the outside of your home may appear simple, many homeowners make blunders. Simply walking around your neighbourhood will reveal poorly lit front doors, uneven sidewalks and steps just begging to trip someone or homes with exteriors that appear to be in the midst of Las Vegas.

The lighting is what will have the biggest impact on your home's curb appeal at night. Even though lighting the outside of your home may appear simple, many homeowners make blunders. Simply walking around your neighbourhood will reveal poorly lit front doors, uneven sidewalks and steps just begging to trip someone or homes with exteriors that appear to be in the midst of Las Vegas.

Aim for a lighting design that falls in between these two extremes. The areas of your outdoor space where there is the most movement, such as the front porch, the garage, and the walk routes, need to be well-lit in the first place. This can be accomplished using spotlights or wall lights that activate when someone moves within their range and include motion sensors.

On the other hand, think about adding LED garden lights to draw attention to some of your landscape’s best aspects.