Benefits of Engineered Timber Flooring for Your Home

Are you keen on renovating your home but aren’t sure what flooring to choose? Sure, traditional hardwood does look stunning, but it’s not exactly the most contemporary option available. Plus, it’s expensive and difficult to maintain, often being more prone to scratches and dents.

However, don’t let this be a cause of despair just yet. Stunning engineered timber flooring is here to save the day – perfect for modern homes that need an extra oomph factor in their decor. Not only does it add a timeless elegance to your home, but it also offers many practical benefits you may not know about.

Comes in a Variety of Designs

timber flooring design

Since it includes a hardwood top layer, engineered timber flooring comes in a variety of colours and textures, from neutral light grey to moody dark brown. This helps you successfully match your floors with the design scheme of your home. It’s also advantageous for people who have some hardwood left in their home and want to match it.

Gorgeous and Timeless Appearance

People often choose solid hardwood floors because of the elegance and beauty they can provide to a space. Engineered boards offer the same amount of style with far superior stability. This is because they look just like solid hardwood flooring.

The durability of engineered timber floors is a significant design advantage. Since people first began to construct homes, wood has been a popular material for floors, and I don’t think that this trend will change anytime soon!

Cheaper Than Hardwood

Home renovation entails a lot of expenses, from furniture to décor pieces. However, if you make the right choices, you can cut these expenses in half.

Engineered timber flooring is typically more expensive than laminate, hybrid, and vinyl choices yet it’s less expensive than solid hardwood or stone floors. This makes it the perfect choice if you want to create a living space that has a luxurious feel without spending a lot of money.


durable timber flooring

Being crafted from real wood means that engineered floorboards, although close, will never be quite as durable as hybrid planks for example. You can still expect your new floor to last for decades, however, the use of natural materials does somewhat decrease durability.

One of the biggest disadvantages of solid hardwood is that it’s quite fragile. This makes it prone to swelling and warping. Because of how they’re made, engineered floorboards are typically less prone to this kind of damage, making them a far better alternative than solid hardwood for use in places with unfavourable conditions of any kind.


Are engineered timber floors eco-friendly? One of the biggest advantages of choosing engineered over solid hardwood is sustainability. The environmental effect of engineered boards is considerably smaller because only the top layer is made from resource-intensive hardwood.

The rest of the board’s construction uses trees that grow rapidly on farms. Manufacturers use the entire tree, as opposed to just particular parts of it.

Easy Installation

timber flooring installation

Compared to its conventional solid hardwood equivalent, engineered wooden timber flooring truly shines during installation. Installation of solid hardwood boards involves specialised equipment and techniques that might take up to six weeks to finish.

When it comes to engineered floorboards, on the other hand, you can install them in the same way as any other floating floor, which allows for a quick installation procedure without the need for specialised knowledge and expertise.

Boosts the Resale Value

Although fashion fads come and go, real timber floors never go out of style. People will always adore quality natural finishes whose popularity is only increasing. There’s nothing quite like warm brown and golden hues that add a touch of colour to your space. As a result, you should anticipate a reasonable improvement in your property’s worth following the installation of your new flooring.


Engineered floorboards are resistant to mites and fleas and don’t accumulate allergens like dust and waste. Anyone who has asthma or allergies will find them to be the perfect material because of this. To reduce allergens on numerous levels, using engineered wooden boards can also help to improve the air quality in your house.

Highly Stable

Combating the stability concerns that solid hardwood floors have was one of the primary motivations for the creation of engineered timber floors. Wood naturally changes form and consistency when moisture is present, and it doesn’t like significant temperature changes from its native environment.

This clearly poses a serious problem if you use it as flooring in your home. Fortunately, there are no such issues with engineered wood floors. This means that you can confidently install it in your house and feel certain that it will remain solid no matter what type of environment you live in.

Main Differences Between Engineered Floors Vs Solid Hardwood

The main difference between traditional hardwood and engineered timber floors is that the former is a solid piece of wood while the latter is crafted from a top layer of hardwood with a specially designed lower part.

The second largest difference between the two is that the installation of solid hardwood is quite lengthy, and the process usually takes up to six weeks if you include sanding and polishing. On the other hand, you can install engineered boards in as little as a day, as you don’t need any on-site treatment.