Oral Health: The Routine That Helped Me Cure Gum Disease with Ease

If you were a friend of mine, you’d know I’m a man who’s not obsessed with his physical appearance. I do take good care of myself by exercising twice a week and eating plenty of fruits and veggies on a daily basis, but the thought of having the “perfect” body so many young men are talking about isn’t the motivation behind my healthy choices and routines. Believe it or not, it’s health alone.

Speaking of healthy routines, I must confess I didn’t have one for my oral hygene up until my dentist informed me that I have gum disease. Since I didn’t want to lose my teeth, I knew I had to make some major changes. With the invaluable help of my dentist and a couple of highly respected nutritionists, I established a new routine that cured my gum disease and saved my smile. Here’s what it consists of.

Oral Health

1. Brushing my teeth three instead of two times a day. Before the whole gum disease thing happened, I believed that brushing my teeth twice every day is more than enough to keep them healthy and shiny, but it turned out that I was wrong. Three is the miracoulous number we all need. My dentist advised me to brush all the surfaces of my teeth for at least two minutes with a soft-tufted brush and a toothpaste that contains fluoride. He also reminded me that getting a new toothbrush every three to four months is extremely important.

2. Flossing my teeth once a day. Cleaning between teeth is necessary because there are certain sides of the teeth that toothbrushes cannot reach. Flossing is the most common and probably the most effective way to remove plaque from between teeth (in case you didn’t know, gum disease is caused by plaque).

3. Rinsing my mouth with a natural mouthwash. My dentist advised me to start cleaning my mouth with a xylitol oral rinse as these mouth rinses are sugar-free. Every morning, after I finish brushing my teeth, I sip a small amount of my xylitol oral rinse, swish it around in my mouth for 30-40 seconds, and then spit it out. I wholeheartedly advise you to start using a nice oral rinse since it can reduce oral discomfort, provide moisture to oral tissues, and eliminate bad breath.

4. Eating a healthy and balanced vegan diet. You may not know this, but foods rich in antioxidants (such as apples, berries, grapes, raisins, nuts, and beans) can help your teeth and gums stay healthy since antioxidants fight the bacteria that cause inflammation and periodontal (gum) disease. I also avoid consuming sugars and sugary foods because germs thrive on them to produce acid which can contribute to tooth decay. So, no more fizzy mineral water for me.